A sociable ornament…

Ornaments, sadly, are not really my friends. Personally they contribute to clutter, dust and mismatching styles. That being said, when you have a collection of items that hold memories, were given as gifts or are valuable collectors item how do you make it fit into your home?

When I backpacked around Asia I wanted to buy everything I saw; it was a magpies paradise. After many, many moments of weakness I have finally come to the conclusion that it is generally healthier for my decor (and my bank balance) if the treasures are collected only by my lens.

The lucky ones that weren’t filtered out or broken over the years (handmade isn’t always built to last), have adopted various places in our home. One example that is certainly here to stay is our Buddha statue, aptly named: Buddha.

Meet Buddha…

Mr. S was given Buddha as a gift from Thailand and he is now quite a character in our lounge. His original reddish purple suit didn’t quite fit in with the colour scheme anywhere in the house and I have seen so many examples of lacquered oriental statues recently that I had a little brainwave; we would lacquer paint Buddha orange so that he could come and be sociable in our lounge.

Buddha before his makeover…

Have a creative evening!


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Designer by day, blogger by night...about what I do, what I see and what I make. Welcome to Lola's Interior Creations blog!

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